Try Out a Class For FREE!

Bike Classes & Clubs for Kids 2-10 years-old
All Ability Levels

So that we can get your child in the right FREE class, please tell us al little about them.

*Free class offer for new students only

Need to learn more first? Totally Cool!

Buddy Pegs Ability Level Finder
Click through a few simple questions to find the right class for your child!

Please reach out so we can tell you more:


We Get Kids Twice As Stoked To Ride!

We’ve taught thousands of kids to fall in love with biking from the very first pedal strokes to trail riding with friends.

Just like swimming, riding a bike is a critical life skill.

Just like every other youth sport, the right coaching makes all the difference.

Buddy Pegs Pro Parent Tip # 1:

Stop the Struggle

We’re parents too. And we get it!

It’s hard to coach your child yourself. Let us help get what you want in the end…

  • A Confident Kid.
  • A more Connected Family.
  • And Pleasant Family Bike Rides!

It's ok if you're new to this.
We'll get you up to speed.

Our “Paw Rating System” is based on ability level and not age.*

1 Paw

2 Paw

3 Paw

4 Paw

*Parent Attendance Required For All Pre-K Classes

Buddy Pegs Pro Parent Tip # 2:

Teach Balance Before Pedaling

Training wheels do more harm than good.

Training wheels cause a child to lean the wrong way and build a crutch that is really hard to remove.

Instead, we remove training wheels and pedals to first teach balance before pedaling.

Pro Parent Tip #3: Get In The Game

Let Us Help You.

Yes, we sell bike classes at Buddy Pegs.

But whether you attend a class or not,
we just want your kiddo to develop a love of biking – together with you.

Take us up on our FREE class offer!

Call us during business hours or email us anytime.


We would love to help you build
Little Moments, Big Memories like these.